Enterprise Storage Bench - Microsoft SQL WeeklyMaintenance

Our final enterprise storage bench test once again comes from our own internal databases. We're looking at the stats DB again however this time we're running a trace of our Weekly Maintenance procedure. This procedure runs a consistency check on the 30GB database followed by a rebuild index on all tables to eliminate fragmentation. As its name implies, we run this procedure weekly against our stats DB.

The read:write ratio here remains around 3:1 but we're dealing with far more operations: approximately 1.8M reads and 1M writes. Average queue depth is up to 5.43.

Microsoft SQL WeeklyMaintenance - Average Data Rate

The S3700 continues to be the fastest enterprise SATA SSD we've tested. In the past you had to choose between performance or endurance with the 520 and 710, with the S3700 Intel offers both.


Microsoft SQL WeeklyMaintenance - Disk Busy Time

Microsoft SQL WeeklyMaintenance - Average Service Time

Enterprise Storage Bench - Microsoft SQL UpdateDailyStats Client Performance - AnandTech Storage Bench 2011
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  • RealNinja - Tuesday, November 6, 2012 - link

    Looks like a nice enterprise drive. Will be interesting to see how reliable the new controller is in the "real world."

    For my consumer money...still gotta go with Samsung right now.
  • twtech - Tuesday, November 6, 2012 - link

    Looks like a nice workstation drive as well. With that kind of write endurance, it should be able to handle daily multi-gigabyte content syncs.
  • futrtrubl - Saturday, November 10, 2012 - link

    Umm, with that write endurance it should be able to handle daily multi-TERAbyte syncs, seeing as it is rated at 10x capacity/day for 5 years.
  • CeriseCogburn - Wednesday, January 2, 2013 - link

    I watched the interview, and saw all 3 of the braggarts spew their personal fantasies and pride talk, then came here to take a look, and I'm not impressed.
    I do wonder how people do that.
  • DanNeely - Tuesday, November 6, 2012 - link

    "I had to pull Micron's P400e out of this graph because it's worst case latency was too high to be used without a logarithmic scale. "

    Could you add the value to the text then?
  • crimson117 - Tuesday, November 6, 2012 - link

    Move away from NAND - to what?
  • stmok - Tuesday, November 6, 2012 - link

    ...To Phase Change Memory (PCM).
  • DanNeely - Tuesday, November 6, 2012 - link

    Everything old (CDRW) is new again!
  • martixy - Friday, November 9, 2012 - link

    Right... so we got that covered. :)
    Now we're eagerly awaiting the next milestone towards the tech singularity.
  • Memristor - Wednesday, November 7, 2012 - link

    To Memristor

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