At Intel’s keynote presentation today, the company announced that it would be expanding its current line of 9th Generation desktop processors, to include new models from Core i3 up to Core i9. Almost immediately, we were given the details, and here they are.

Currently on the market, if you can find them, are the Core i9-9900K, the Core i9-9700K, and the Core i5-9600K, which use the latest Coffee Lake-Refresh design to offer up to eight cores and turbo up to 5.0 GHz. We reviewed all three when they were launched, and now the new parts are a mix of standard, overclockable ‘K’ processors, new ‘F’ processors without integrated graphics, and ‘KF’ which combine the overclocking without graphics.

Here’s the list:

Intel 9th Gen Core CPUs
AnandTech Cores Base
DDR4 TDP Price
i9-9900K 8 / 16 3.6 GHz 5.0 GHz UHD 630 1200 2666 95 W $488
i9-9900KF 8 / 16 3.6 GHz 5.0 GHz - - 2666 95 W -
i7-9700K 8 / 8 3.6 GHz 4.9 GHz UHD 630 1200 2666 95 W $374
i7-9700KF 8 / 8 3.6 GHz 4.9 GHz - - 2666 95 W -
i5-9600K 6 / 6 3.7 GHz 4.6 GHz UHD 630 1150 2666 95 W $262
i5-9600KF 6 / 6 3.7 GHz 4.6 GHz - - 2666 95 W -
i5-9400 6 / 6 2.9 GHz 4.1 GHz UHD 630 1050 2666 65 W -
i5-9400F 6 / 6 2.9 GHz 4.1 GHz - - 2666 65 W $182
i3-9350KF 4 / 4 4.0 GHz 4.6 GHz - - 2400 91 W -

Sitting at the top is the eight-core Core i9-9900KF, which matches the Core i9-9900K through the whole spec sheet, except for not having integrated graphics. Technically it is there on the silicon, but it has been disabled, likely in order to increase yield and perhaps improve binning. Similarly, the Core i7-9700KF and the Core i5-9600KF are identical to their previously released counterparts.

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The new processor classes are the Core i3-9350KF, which is an overclockable quad core without hyperthreading and without graphics, but has a 4.0 GHz base frequency and a 4.6 GHz turbo frequency. The Core i5-9400F is a six core processor, without hyperthreading or integrated graphics, but has a 2.9 GHz base frequency and a 4.1 GHz turbo frequency (it's also the only new processor with a price). The Core i5-9400 is the same processor, but with Gen9 Intel HD 630 Graphics.

It is interesting that Intel is releasing processors without integrated graphics, and calling them ‘F’. F was the Xeon name for ones with OmniPath fabric installed. It also marks the first mainstream chips in a long while that Intel has launched without integrated graphics. They’re obviously doing it this way to increase yields, especially if the cores are fine but the graphics isn’t working at the required frequencies. This might be preferred to reducing the core count to allow the graphics to match a lower class of product.

Intel was very cagey about when these processors would come to market. In the official news post, the company said that it ‘expects these processors to start shipping at the end of January’. Personally, I find that working not very committal. It suggests that they don’t know, or it’s likely to be in February and they are hedging some bets. We’ll wait and see if the company will sample us the parts for review, and if not having integrated graphics helps the overclock or the power consumption.

Mobile processors on Core 9th Gen will come in Q2 this year.

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  • Juventas - Monday, January 7, 2019 - link

    So what's the benefit of buying "FK" over "K"? Specs are the same. Lower pricing? Less power consumption?
  • darkswordsman17 - Monday, January 7, 2019 - link

    Maybe a bit better sustained performance, or maybe it'll could OC better? Will have to wait and see. I'd guess it'll be a bit cheaper but I'm honestly not expecting much, maybe like $30-50. For gamers it might get them a bit nicer graphics card (won't be drastic, but could get you a custom aftermarket one over a reference blower design) or maybe a bit higher speed memory. Or an aftermarket HSF.
  • Santoval - Tuesday, January 8, 2019 - link

    I would guess longer sustained turbo clocks - and/or lower power draw at the same base and same sustained turbo clocks (the TDP refers only to the base clock, the TDP of the turbo clock depends on the cooling solution).
  • ET - Tuesday, January 8, 2019 - link

    Probably just lower pricing.
  • theuglyman0war - Tuesday, January 8, 2019 - link

    would as much free up more PCI-E lanes?
  • Zdigital2017 - Wednesday, January 9, 2019 - link

    No, the iGPU is on the CPU package and does not use any PCIe lanes as it has direct access already.
  • watchmania - Monday, April 15, 2019 - link

    just FK that. FK-ed
  • Teckk - Monday, January 7, 2019 - link

    Work IGP disabled, shouldn't it give some more legroom for TDP? If it's still at 95W, what is the advantage of not having the IGP?
  • beginner99 - Tuesday, January 8, 2019 - link

    The k cpus run way above 95w by default anyway. Just look at the reviews and in the forums. The onyl beenfit for end-user will be lower price but I doubt it will matter much. iGPU is useful when your gpu breaks or are selling your old one before release of new series to get more $$$ and then buy new series.
  • Retycint - Tuesday, January 8, 2019 - link

    TDP, by Intel standards, is a meaningless figure and should never be taken as an indication of the actual power consumption of a CPU. It should be used only as an indication of the power class e.g. desktop class, low power, ultra low power etc

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