If you thought the Xoom name left something to be desired, Verizon's branding of the Xoom 2 line as the Droid Xyboard (pronounced like "cyborg") line isn't going to perk you up. Regardless, in a release today they announced the 8.2" and 10.1" Xyboard variants would be launching alongside a white Droid RAZR variant. Though unconfirmed, it's likely that all three devices are running the same TI OMAP 4430 clocked at 1.2 GHz, each with 1GB of RAM and all promised to be upgraded to Ice Cream Sandwich in due time. At present though, buyers will make due with Android 3.2 in the tablets, and Gingerbread in the RAZR. The new tablets owe more than their internals to the RAZR, as the design language closely mirrors that of the phone. 

The Xyboard 8.2 is being targed towards media consumption, with 2.1 surround sound built-in and touting HD Netflix streaming. Each tablet features an IPS 1280x800 display, and are supposed to be significantly thinner than their predecessor. LTE is, of course, offered, and pricing on a two-year contract remains impressively high. But if you hate square corners and are looking for a 4G tablet to sate your LTE-loving heart, the Xyboards will be available sometime this month, with a starting on-contract price of $429 and $529 for the 8.2" and 10.1" tablets, respectively. 

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Source: Verizon Wireless

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  • solipsism - Wednesday, December 7, 2011 - link

    "with a starting on-contract price of $429 and $529 for the 8.2" and 10.1" tablets, respectively. "

    It's a shame, but here is no way Moto will make an decent sales with these devices.
  • horangl3e - Wednesday, December 7, 2011 - link

    haha i mean seriously Motorola? They seemed to have stopped trying. On contract AND its a normal price? Guess its the Transformer Prime for me then.
  • fic2 - Wednesday, December 7, 2011 - link

    At work we just got in a Xoom for testing. One of the things I didn't know was that the Xoom charges using a non-USB interface. Yet another stupid failure of the Xoom. Not that it really matters but I wonder if they are still using this charger interface on this model.
  • mcnabney - Thursday, December 8, 2011 - link

    However, it charges very quickly. Almost 3x faster than with USB. That discrete power connector allows higher voltages that get the job done faster.
  • MGSsancho - Thursday, December 8, 2011 - link

    usb 2.0 is a small amount of power. but you as a manufacture can allow your device to accept more power to charge faster. ever wonder why a usb phone charger is faster than plugging you dive into a comp? only benefit I can see is the ability for quick charge and to transfer data
  • OCedHrt - Thursday, December 8, 2011 - link

    That's not entirely true. The manufacturer can design for up to 900mA at 5V over a cable that also transmits data. There's no specific limit on a charge only connector + connection, but you're also limited by the current rating of the wall adapter and cable. There typically aren't any wall adapters rated over 2A.
  • GotThumbs - Monday, December 12, 2011 - link

    While I understand Moto is trying to get the most profit ASAP from early adopters....I do wish they would NOT try and compete with Apple....anyone who wants an Apple Pad.....will NOT purchase anything other than an Apple Pad. Apple followers will not stray...expecially for the same or similar costs. Apples just starting to offer reduced prices on its OLD technology, because their starting to see their market share get hit. The way to gain market share against Apple is to increase mass market appeal....and currently that is features AND price.....oh and a decent app selection (even-though no one has 100,000 apps on their own unit....media likes to through out the number of apps as a selling feature).

    I waited for the Xoom Wifi, as I will not give my money away so easily and cannot justify spending so much for the 3G. The Xoom does exactly what I need it for and I have yet to purchase an app. Google Music works quite well too.

    HP could have saved its A$$ regarding the TouchPad if it released at a lower price point. Whoever is in charge of setting prices for these companies....needs to be booted out.

    Best wishes for everyone's New Year.
  • AcAuroRa - Wednesday, December 7, 2011 - link

    Does anyone know if Moto plans on releasing WiFi only versions of these as they did for the Xoom? I really do want the 8.2", but could care less for the 3G/4G connectivity as I am always near a WiFi hotspot.
  • uhuznaa - Wednesday, December 7, 2011 - link

    Why can't they just offer WiFi-only and 3G/LTE models with no contract and then also offer the thing with a contract for a subsidized price?

    It's almost as if they don't want to sell the things at all. Asus won't sell you a Transformer Prime with anything but WiFi, Motorola has crazy ideas about contracts and prices...
  • fic2 - Wednesday, December 7, 2011 - link

    And they will wonder yet again why there are a few warehouses filled with these that they can't sell.

    According to another site:
    According to Verizon, the 10.1-inch model will cost $529.99 for the 16 GB version, $629.99 for the 32 GB version, and $729.99 for the 64 GB version.

    So, it is $30 more expensive initially than an iPad2 (market leader). Add in another $720 expense over the 2 year data plan and you could by another of the 64GB iPad 2's.

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