Codegen P-Case 460W

Codegen is a well known brand for inexpensive power supplies. The P-Case 460W has passive PFC (no universal AC input) and no finish since most customers simply don't care how a PSU like this looks like. In addition there is no sleeving for the cables. The delivery contents of the case/PSU bundle include a power cord and all necessary screws. You'll note that there's no 80 Plus certification on this one, which isn't too surprising considering the target market. Read on to find out if this PSU is still recommendable.


The casing is very simple and grey with a length of just 14 cm. According to the label this PSU has a single +12V output rated at 25A, which is not much. +3.3V and +5V are specified at 26A and 20A. Those outputs have no combined power rating, which is quite bad for our calculation but we tried to focus on the smaller rails since they are stronger. The total power is 460W.

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  • gamoniac - Friday, April 27, 2012 - link

    Not too often we see a review on a low-end PSU. Thanks for reviewing this one; it's an eye opener.
  • damianrobertjones - Friday, April 27, 2012 - link

    I love this review :)

    Now all we need is honest, down to earth reviews of:
    - Apple kit
    - Netgear products
    - Android operating system
  • martinw89 - Saturday, April 28, 2012 - link

    and especially
  • KompuKare - Friday, April 27, 2012 - link

    Thanks for reviewing a low-end PSU. It's rare to find any reviews at this price-range. Seems €30 is too high a price though considering you can buy a Corsair VX430 for under €40.

    Would be nice to see some more budget PSUs reviewed - maybe there's even one which can actually delivery its rated output.
  • Iger - Friday, April 27, 2012 - link

    To be fair - it's €30 with the case!
  • Sabresiberian - Friday, April 27, 2012 - link

    How is there anything fair about selling junk, at any price?
  • pgari - Saturday, April 28, 2012 - link

    Codegen products are normally sold in markets with poor and expensive oferings:

    Here in Argentina a Codegen 500 PSU can be found by us$22.
    The cheapest brand name alternative would be a CoolerMaster 460W eXtreme Plus RS-460-PCAR, the lowest in Coolermaster portfolio, at us$75.

    The minimum PSU recommended for the for a Gamer configuration would be the Antec Vp450 at us$89

    Considering that other PC componentes are also a lot more expensive than in USA, and that average income is 5 times lower, what PSU would you use for running a basic configuration for Internet browsing, Outlook and Word?
  • Klinky1984 - Sunday, April 29, 2012 - link

    The review itself says you could probably get away with this PSU if you used it in a lower power demand situation. A budget CPU w/ integrated or budget graphics probably would not stress this PSU. Though you can't trust that the Codgen 500W available in your market has the same components as the 460W in this review.
  • kmmatney - Friday, April 27, 2012 - link

    I found a decent cheap PSU that seems to work well. I used it for a month on my main gaming rig, with an unlocked and overclocked Phenom @ 3.6 Ghz, and an HD6850.

    it's fairly quiet and seems to be able to supply decent power. I currently use a Corsair HX650, but this cheap one seems to due well for a basic gaming machine.
  • SilthDraeth - Friday, April 27, 2012 - link

    If you aren't using it anymore, you might think about contacting Anandtech to see if they will do a review on it.

    Maybe you dodged a bullet, maybe not.

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